Beginners Guide to Feelings & Emotions

Feelings are an important part of being a human being. Sadly, due to the harsh nature of survival, all too often we are never taught how to process and understand our feelings. More often than not, feelings bring very intelligent and important messages to us, and to process them is easier than more people think. The following are summaries or excerpts from an interview by Tim Ferris and Jim Dethmer. You can do this alone, or as a bonding exercise with someone in order to connect with them and their feelings.

To be with feelings & emotions:

1 Start by taking a deep breath. 2 What feeling is here now? – sad, angry, scared, joy, creative/sexual? – What feeling is here now? – I feel that X… is a thought not a feeling. “I feel X”. This pulls you out of the amygdala. Emotions are a set of feelings or vibrations around the body tied to a thought. They will lead to sensations in and around the body. 3 Then ask where is the emotion being felt in the body? 4 What are the sensations I feel it doing? 5 Could you just place your attention on the sensation for a few moments? Just let it be. For a couple of moments If anger, can you just allow the heat in your face. If its sadness, can you just allow the pressure in the eyes, the tears. The move of the allow gets the energy-releasing. When we represent the energy can get pent up for hours, days, even years. 6. Ask the feeling what’s it here to show me?

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